
Lindsay Claims To Be A “Workaholic,” World LOLs

Lindsay Lohan should quit acting and become a comedian. The self-tanner had us ROTFL with her hilarious assertion that she - giggle - is hardworking! “It’s not that hard to be me,” she says, “but I do work harder than most of my friends’ parents. I’m a workaholic. I don’t know what to do when I’m not working. I get creatively frustrated. I am the hardest-working person I know.”
You got that? Lindsay’s unemployed duties - stomping around in $700 platforms and leggings, shopping, staying out until 2am, Twittering incessently - is a lot harder work than your 9-5 job. We should probably just kick Barack Obama out of the White House and install LiLo as President, because she means business. We’d all get hair extensions instead of tax returns. Now wouldn’t that be progress!

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